Evaluating the Scientific Evidence
for Potential Reduced-Risk Tobacco Products

Exposure Assessment Committee Meeting
June 14-15, 2005
Bethesda, MD

  Draft Agenda  
  Tuesday, June 14, 2005
    Information Gathering Session
      8:00 am   Opening Remarks and Participant Introductions
   Dr. Kara Lewis, Staff Scientist
  Overview of LSRO
   Dr. Michael Falk, Executive Director
  Overview of the Reduced Risk Review Project
   Dr. Catherine St. Hilaire, Project Leader
  Statement of Work for the EA Committee
   Dr. Kara Lewis
  Statement of Work for the Biological Effects Assessment (BEA) Committee
   Dr. Amy Brownawell, Staff Scientist
  15-minute Break
  Statement of Work for the Population Effects and Behavior (PEBA) Committee
   Dr. Keith Lenghaus, Staff Scientist
    Executive Session
  10:30 am   Tobacco Products and the Chemistry of Use: Smoked Tobacco and Smokeless Tobacco
   Dr. Robert Orth, EA Committee Member
  Toxic Chemicals in Smoke
   Dr. Paula Nixon, Staff Scientist
  Filter Cigarettes: The First PREPs
Dr. Louis Homer, Core Committee Liaison to the EA Committee
  Discussion Period
  6:00 pm   Close
  7:15 pm   Committee Dinner
  9:15 pm   Adjourn

  Wednesday, June 15, 2005
    Executive Session
  8:00 am   Guidelines for Risk-Related Projects
   Dr. Kara Lewis
  Discussion Period
  Future Committee Needs
   Speakers and Expertise
  Plan for Meeting #2, Sept. 22-23 (TBD)
  3:00 pm   Adjourn