Evaluating the Scientific Evidence
for Potential Reduced-Risk Tobacco Products

Core Committee Meeting
April 27-28, 2005
Bethesda, MD

  Wednesday, April 27, 2005
  Information Gathering: Open Session
  8am to 5pm

Due to overwhelming response, the information gathering session has been extended to 5pm.
A boxed lunch will be provided.

Welcome and Participant Introductions
  Michael Falk, Ph.D.
Executive Director, LSRO

Overview of the LSRO Reduced Risk Review Project
  Catherine St. Hilaire, Ph.D.
Project Leader, Reduced Risk Review Project


Laboratory animal models for assessing the relative health hazards of complex combustion/pyrolysis emissions
  Joe L. Mauderly, D.V.M.
Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute


Comparative potency method for cancer risk assessment of complex combustion emissions
  Joellen Lewtas, Ph.D.
University of Washington

Prenatal exposure to cigarette smoke increases tumor susceptibility of the offspring: a toxicological model
  Judith T. Zelikoff, Ph.D.
New York University School of Medicine

Genotoxic effects of nicotine in human target cells of carcinogenesis
  Norbert Kleinsasser, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Regensburg, Germany

Feasibility of breath condensate lipids and eicosanoids as non-invasively collected biomarker predictors of pulmonary pathobiology
  David C. White, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Tennessee


PREPS testing and the smaller tobacco companies
  John Lauterbach, Ph.D., D.A.B.T.
Lauterbach & Associates

British American Tobacco's approach to harm reduction and reduced-risk products
  David O'Reilly
British American Tobacco

Evaluating smoking behavior and human smoke exposure for reduced risk products
  Eian Massey
British American Tobacco

The evolving scientific paradigm for evaluating reduced risk products
  Derek Mariner
British American Tobacco

The need for scientific engagement in harm reduction
  Anna-Lisa M. Fisher
British American Tobacco

Biosynthec technology to reduce tobacco harm
  Christian Rolando
Biosynthec, Paris

Biologic tests to prove efficacy of Biosynthec technology for tobacco harm reduction
  Kroum Alexandrov
Biosynthec, Paris

The future of tobacco harm reduction technologies
  Iman Emami
Biosynthec, Paris

Toxicological Testing Required for PREPs
  David Johnson
Swedish Match North America

Risk reduction and smokeless tobacco
  James Dillard
U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Company

The role of blending and processing in developing reduced-risk cigarettes with acceptable smoking qualities
  Fawky M. Abdallah, Ph.D.
Fawky Abdallah Company, Inc.

Executive Session - following Open Session

Thursday, April 28, 2005
  Executive Session