Evaluating the Scientific Evidence
for Potential Reduced-Risk Tobacco Products

Core Committee Meeting
October 19-20, 2005
Bethesda, MD


      Core Committee Members
Alwynelle (Nell) Ahl
Elizabeth L. Anderson
Nancy L. Buc
Carroll Cross
Louis D. Homer
Joseph V. Rodricks
Emanuel Rubin
Richard C. Schwing
Richard Windsor

SSRC Liaisons
Karl Fagerstrom
Loren Koller
Robert Orth

Scott Appleton, Philip Morris
Mike Borgerding, RJ Reynolds Tobacco
Dave Doolittle, RJ Reynolds Tobacco
Chuck Gaworski, Philip Morris
Joseph Pandolfino, XXII Century Limited
George Patskan, Philip Morris
Jim Swauger, RJ Reynolds Tobacco
Barb Zedler, Philip Morris

Scott Ballin, Alliance for Health, Economic and Agricultural Development
John E. Bunch, Conwood Company
Thomas Claps, Skadden, Arps (Outside Counsel to U.S. Smokeless)
Jeffrey Clark, Liggett Group, Inc.
J. Daniel Heck, Lorillard Tobacco Company
Jane Lewis, Philip Morris
George W. Lulham, JTI-Macdonald Corporation, Canada
Teresa Neal, Lorillard Tobacco Company
James L. Myracle, XXII Century Limited
Diane Oettinger, XXII Century Limited
Hans Roethig, Philip Morris
Angelo Tomasello, XXII Century Limited
Maria Varga, Star Scientific
Kei Yoshino, Japan Tobacco, Inc.
Lisa Zapawa, Piney Associates

LSRO Staff
Amy Brownawell
Daniel Byrd
Michael Falk
Keith Lenghaus
Kara Lewis
Shelia McGregor
Carmen Mones
Cathy St. Hilaire