LSRO's Reduced Risk Review Core Committee (CC) met for the fourth time on the FASEB Campus, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD on July 14-15, 2005. Committee members present were Alwynelle Ahl, Ph.D., D.V.M., Elizabeth L. Anderson, Ph.D., Nancy L. Buc, Esq.(7/15 only), Carroll E. Cross, M.D., Louis D. Homer, M.D., Ph.D., Joseph V. Rodricks, Ph.D., Emanuel Rubin, M.D., Richard C. Schwing, Ph.D., and Richard Windsor, M.S., Ph.D., M.P.H. The LSRO staff members present were Michael Falk, Ph.D., Catherine St. Hilaire, Ph.D., Daniel Byrd, Ph.D., Amy M. Brownawell, Ph.D., Keith Lenghaus, Ph.D., Paula Nixon, Ph.D., Cathy Klein, Ph.D. (afternoon, 7/14 only) and Carmen Mones, B.A. Guests present during the information-gathering session, which was open to the public, were Maria Varga and Sarah Macker, Star Scientific; John Bunch, Conwood Company; and Elizabeth (Beth) Marren and Todd Walker, U.S. Smokeless Tobacco. The speakers during the information-gathering session were James Dillard, U.S. Smokeless Tobacco and David Johnson, Swedish Match. Maria Varga of Star Scientific addressed the committee at the beginning of the Executive Session.
There were several goals for the meeting including a discussion of the scientific evidence that certain types of smokeless tobacco products pose lower health risks when compared to the risks associated with smoking cigarettes. This discussion followed the three presentations listed above. During the discussion, which was held during Executive Session, with no guests present, Dr. Karl Fagerstrom, a member of the Exposure Assessment Committee, participated in the discussion by telephone. Following the discussion of smokeless tobacco, the Committee was also briefed by LSRO staff on the progress made to date by the three State-of-the-Science Review Committees (SSRCs).
The next meeting of the Core Committee is scheduled for October 18-20, 2005 on the FASEB campus, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD. The morning and early afternoon of October 18 will be an information-gathering session that will focus primarily on presentations by Philip Morris scientists on a variety of topics associated with the scientific evaluation of potential reduced-risk tobacco products. All interested parties are encouraged to participate in this session. Additional speakers are welcome. Please contact us at RRRVW@LSRO.ORG or call Dr. St. Hilaire at 301-634-7030.