Evaluating the Scientific Evidence
for Potential Reduced-Risk Tobacco Products
PEBA Committee of the Reduced Risk Review
Literature Distributed to the Committee
(Updated as of 9-15-05)

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Audrain-McGovern, J., Rodriguez, D., Tercyak, K. P., Epstein, L. H., Goldman, P., & Wileyto, E. P. (2004) Applying a behavioral economic framework to understanding adolescent smoking. Psychol.Addict.Behav. 18: 64-73.

Baker, T. B., Brandon, T. H., & Chassin, L. (2004) Motivational influences on cigarette smoking. Annu.Rev.Psychol. 55: 463-491.

Brown, R. A., Lejuez, C. W., Kahler, C. W., Strong, D. R., & Zvolensky, M. J. (2005) Distress tolerance and early smoking lapse. Clin Psychol.Rev 25: 713-733.

Carpenter, C. M., Wayne, G. F., & Connolly, G. N. (2005) Designing cigarettes for women: new findings from the tobacco industry documents. Addiction 100: 837-851.

Chapman, S. (2005) The most important and influential papers in tobacco control: results of an online poll. [In Press]. Tob Control In Press.

Choi, W. S., Gilpin, E. A., Farkas, A. J., & Pierce, J. P. (2001) Determining the probability of future smoking among adolescents. Addiction 96: 313-323.

Conrad, K. M., Flay, B. R., & Hill, D. (1992) Why children start smoking cigarettes: predictors of onset. Br.J.Addict. 87: 1711-1724.

Conwell, L. S., O'Callaghan, M. J., Andersen, M. J., Bor, W., Najman, J. M., & Williams, G. M. (2003) Early adolescent smoking and a web of personal and social disadvantage. J.Paediatr.Child Health 39: 580-585.

Cummings, K. M. (2004) Tobacco risk perceptions and behavior: implications for tobacco control. Nicotine Tob Res 6: S285-S288.

de, L. J., Becona, E., Gurpegui, M., Gonzalez-Pinto, A., & Diaz, F. J. (2002) The association between high nicotine dependence and severe mental illness may be consistent across countries. J Clin.Psychiatry 63: 812-816.

Doll, R., Peto, R., Boreham, J., and Sutherland, I. (2004) Mortality in relation to smoking: 50 years' observations on male British doctors. [BMJ, doi:10.1136/bmj.38142.554479.AE (published June 22, 2004)]. (Access Date: 6-22-2004). Web/URL: http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/reprint/bmj.38142.554479.AEv1.

ECLIPSE Expert Panel (2000) ADDENDUM: Reviewers' Comments and Authors' Responses. Inhal.Toxicol. 12: 49-58.

ECLIPSE Expert Panel (2000) A safer cigarette? A comparative study. A consensus report. Inhal.Toxicol. 12: 1-48.

Fagerström, K. O., Hughes, J. R., & Callas, P. W. (2002) Long-term effects of the Eclipse cigarette substitute and the nicotine inhaler in smokers not interested in quitting. Nicotine.Tob.Res. 4 Suppl 2: S141-S145.

Fagerström, K. O., Hughes, J. R., Rasmussen, T., & Callas, P. W. (2000) Randomised trial investigating effect of a novel nicotine delivery device (Eclipse) and a nicotine oral inhaler on smoking behaviour, nicotine and carbon monoxide exposure, and motivation to quit. Tob Control 9: 327-333.

Fong, G. T., Hammond, D., Laux, F. L., Zanna, M. P., Cummings, K. M., Borland, R., & Ross, H. (2004) The near-universal experience of regret among smokers in four countries: Findings from the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Survey. Nicotine Tob Res 6: S341-S351.

Fox, B. J. & Cohen, J. E. (2002) Tobacco harm reduction: a call to address the ethical dilemmas. Nicotine.Tob.Res. 4 Suppl 2: S81-S87.

Glassman, A. H., Covey, L. S., Stetner, F., & Rivelli, S. (2001) Smoking cessation and the course of major depression: a follow-up study. Lancet 357: 1929-1932.

Grant, B. F., Hasin, D. S., Chou, P., Stinson, F. S., & Dawson, D. A. (2004) Nicotine dependence and psychiatric disorders in the United States. Arch.Gen.Psychiatry 61: 1107-1115.

Halpern-Felsher, B. L., Biehl, M., Kropp, R. Y., & Rubinstein, M. L. (2004) Perceived risks and benefits of smoking: differences among adolescents with different smoking experiences and intentions. Prev.Med. 39: 559-567.

Hamilton, W. L., Norton, G., Ouellette, T. K., Rhodes, W. M., Kling, R., & Connolly, G. N. (2004) Smokers' responses to advertisements for regular and light cigarettes and potential reduced-exposure tobacco products. Nicotine.Tob.Res. 6 Suppl 3: S353-S362.

Hatsukami, D. K., Henningfield, J. E., & Kotlyar, M. (2004) Harm reduction approaches to reducing tobacco-related mortality. Annu.Rev.Public Health 25: 377-395.

Hatsukami, D. K., Slade, J., Benowitz, N. L., Giovino, G. A., Gritz, E. R., Leischow, S., & Warner, K. E. (2002) Reducing tobacco harm: research challenges and issues. Nicotine.Tob.Res. 4 Suppl 2: S89-101.

Hébert, R. (2005) What's new in Nicotine & Tobacco Research? Nicotine Tob Res 6: S279-S283.

Henningfield, J. E., Santora, P. B., & Stillman, F. A. (2005) Exploitation by design-could tobacco industry documents guide more effective smoking prevention and cessation in women? Addiction 100: 735-736.

Hughes, J., Lindgren, P., Connett, J., & Nides, M. (2004) Smoking reduction in the Lung Health Study. Nicotine.Tob.Res. 6: 275-280.

Hughes, J. R. (1999) Four beliefs that may impede progress in the treatment of smoking. Tob Control 8: 323-326.

Hughes, J. R. (2001) Why does smoking so often produce dependence? A somewhat different view. Tob Control 10: 62-64.

Hughes, J. R. (1998) Harm-reduction approaches to smoking. The need for data. Am J Prev.Med. 15: 78-79.

Hughes, J. R. (1999) Comorbidity and smoking. Nicotine Tob Res 1 Suppl 2: S149-S152.

Hughes, J. R. (2001) Do "Light" cigarettes undermine cessation? Tob.Control 10 Suppl 1: i41-i42.

Hughes, J. R., Keely, J., & Naud, S. (2004) Shape of the relapse curve and long-term abstinence among untreated smokers. Addiction 99: 29-38.

Hyland, A., Li, Q., Bauer, J. E., Giovino, G. A., Steger, C., & Cummings, K. M. (2004) Predictors of cessation in a cohort of current and former smokers followed over 13 years. Nicotine Tob Res 6: S363-S369.

Institute of Medicine (2001) Clearing the Smoke. Assessing the Science Base for Tobacco Harm Reduction National Academy Press, Washington, DC.

Jacobsen, L. K., Krystal, J. H., Mencl, W. E., Westerveld, M., Frost, S. J., & Pugh, K. R. (2005) Effects of smoking and smoking abstinence on cognition in adolescent tobacco smokers. Biol.Psychiatry 57: 56-66.

Jarvis, M. J. (2004) Why people smoke. BMJ 328: 277-279.

Kozlowski, L. T. & Edwards, B. Q. (2005) "Not safe" is not enough: smokers have a right to know more than there is no safe tobacco product. Tob Control 14 Suppl 2: ii3-ii7.

Kozlowski, L. T., O'Connor, R. J., & Edwards, B. Q. (2003) Some practical points on harm reduction: what to tell your lawmaker and what to tell your brother about Swedish snus. Tob.Control 12: 372-373.

Kozlowski, L. T., Strasser, A. A., Giovino, G. A., Erickson, P. A., & Terza, J. V. (2001) Applying the risk/use equilibrium: use medicinal nicotine now for harm reduction. Tob.Control 10: 201-203.

Kremers, S. P., Mudde, A. N., & de, V. H. (2001) "Kicking the initiation": do adolescent ex-smokers differ from other groups within the initiation continuum? Prev.Med. 33: 392-401.

Kropp, R. Y. & Halpern-Felsher, B. L. (2004) Adolescents' beliefs about the risks involved in smoking "light" cigarettes. Pediatrics 114: e445-e451.

Lasser, K., Boyd, J. W., Woolhandler, S., Himmelstein, D. U., McCormick, D., & Bor, D. H. (2000) Smoking and mental illness: A population-based prevalence study. JAMA 284: 2606-2610.

Laugesen, M., Scollo, M., Sweanor, D., Shiffman, S., Gitchell, J., Barnsley, K., Jacobs, M., Giovino, G. A., Glantz, S. A., Daynard, R. A., Connolly, G. N., & DiFranza, J. R. (2000) World's best practice in tobacco control. Tob Control 9: 228-236.

Lewis-Esquerre, J. M., Rodrigue, J. R., & Kahler, C. W. (2005) Development and validation of an adolescent smoking consequences questionnaire. Nicotine Tob Res 7: 81-90.

Morral, A. R., McCaffrey, D. F., & Paddock, S. M. (2002) Reassessing the marijuana gateway effect. Addiction 97: 1493-1504.

National Institutes of Health, N. C. I. (2001) Risks Associated With Smoking Cigarettes With Low Machine-Measured Yields of Tar and Nicotine. Smoking and Control Monograph No. 13., vol. NIH Pub. No. 02-5074 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD.

Norman, S. B., Norman, G. J., Rossi, J. S., & Prochaska, J. O. (2005) Identifying high- and low-success smoking cessation subgroups using signal detection analysis [In Press]. Addict.Behav In Press.

O'Brien, C. P., Charney, D. S., Lewis, L., Cornish, J. W., Post, R. M., Woody, G. E., Zubieta, J. K., Anthony, J. C., Blaine, J. D., Bowden, C. L., Calabrese, J. R., Carroll, K., Kosten, T., Rounsaville, B., Childress, A. R., Oslin, D. W., Pettinati, H. M., Davis, M. A., Demartino, R., Drake, R. E., Fleming, M. F., Fricks, L., Glassman, A. H., Levin, F. R., Nunes, E. V., Johnson, R. L., Jordan, C., Kessler, R. C., Laden, S. K., Regier, D. A., Renner, J. A., Jr., Ries, R. K., Sklar-Blake, T., & Weisner, C. (2004) Priority actions to improve the care of persons with co-occurring substance abuse and other mental disorders: a call to action. Biol.Psychiatry 56: 703-713.

O'Connor, R. J., Hyland, A., Giovino, G. A., Fong, G. T., & Cummings, K. M. (2005) Smoker awareness of and beliefs about supposedly less-harmful tobacco products. Am.J Prev.Med. 29: 85-90.

Phillips, C. V., Wang, C., & Guenzel, B. (2005) You might as well smoke; the misleading and harmful public message about smokeless tobacco. BMC.Public Health 5: 31.

Piasecki, T. M., Jorenby, D. E., Smith, S. S., Fiore, M. C., & Baker, T. B. (2003) Smoking withdrawal dynamics: I. Abstinence distress in lapsers and abstainers. J Abnorm.Psychol. 112: 3-13.

Pierce, J. P., Choi, W. S., Gilpin, E. A., Farkas, A. J., & Merritt, R. K. (1996) Validation of susceptibility as a predictor of which adolescents take up smoking in the United States. Health Psychol. 15: 355-361.

Pierce, J. P., Distefan, J. M., Kaplan, R. M., & Gilpin, E. A. (2005) The role of curiosity in smoking initiation. Addict.Behav. 30: 685-696.

Reynolds, B., Karraker, K., Horn, K., & Richards, J. B. (2003) Delay and probability discounting as related to different stages of adolescent smoking and non-smoking. Behav Processes 64: 333-344.

Riala, K., Hakko, H., Isohanni, M., Pouta, A., & Rasanen, P. (2005) Is initiation of smoking associated with the prodromal phase of schizophrenia? J Psychiatry Neurosci. 30: 26-32.

Ripoll, N., Bronnec, M., & Bourin, M. (2004) Nicotinic receptors and schizophrenia. Curr.Med.Res.Opin. 20: 1057-1074.

Schoenbaum, M. (2005) The accuracy of teens' expectations of future smoking. Am.J Prev.Med. 28: 274-280.

Schumann, A., Hapke, U., Meyer, C., Rumpf, H. J., & John, U. (2004) Prevalence, characteristics, associated mental disorders and predictors of DSM-IV nicotine dependence. Eur.Addict.Res 10: 29-34.

Steinberg, M. L., Williams, J. M., Steinberg, H. R., Krejci, J. A., & Ziedonis, D. M. (2005) Applicability of the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence in smokers with schizophrenia. Addict.Behav. 30: 49-59.

Swan, G. E., Ward, M. M., Carmelli, D., & Jack, L. M. (1993) Differential rates of relapse in subgroups of male and female smokers. J Clin Epidemiol. 46: 1041-1053.

Virgili, M., Owen, N., & Sverson, H. H. (1991) Adolescents' smoking behavior and risk perceptions. J Subst.Abuse 3: 315-324.

Warner, K. E. (2002) Tobacco harm reduction: promise and perils. Nicotine.Tob.Res. 4 Suppl 2: S53-S63.

Warner, K. E. & Burns, D. M. (2003) Hardening and the hard-core smoker: concepts, evidence, and implications. Nicotine Tob Res 5: 37-48.

Weinstein, N. D., Marcus, S. E., & Moser, R. P. (2005) Smokers' unrealistic optimism about their risk. Tob.Control 14: 55-59.

Weinstein, N. D., Slovic, P., & Gibson, G. (2004) Accuracy and optimism in smokers' beliefs about quitting. Nicotine Tob Res 6: S375-S380.

Zhu, S. H., Sun, J., Billings, S. C., Choi, W. S., & Malarcher, A. (1999) Predictors of smoking cessation in U.S. adolescents. Am.J Prev.Med. 16: 202-207.

Ziedonis, D., Williams, J. M., & Smelson, D. (2003) Serious mental illness and tobacco addiction: a model program to address this common but neglected issue. Am.J Med.Sci. 326: 223-230.